Last week’s post detailed the testimony of my new job. (If you haven’t read it, then click over and take a peek.) There was a key aspect of my new job that I neglected to share. This new position was located in an unexpected area. In my head, I imagined my new job being in a certain city. I fantasized about my new life there. Even though I prayed for a job in the city God wanted me, there was some hesitation when I finally received this one. My mind started racing as I pondered all the things needed for the upcoming move. During my devotion, I felt led to Psalms 84. Let’s look at some key verses in this passage.
In the beginning of the chapter, it describes joy as dwelling at the altar of the Lord. The Psalmist went on to say that his entire being longed for the presence of the Lord. Joy comes from constantly praising and worshiping God. It was as if God was inviting me to enter into His rest. When we worship God, our focus shifts from our situation to the majesty of Him. We are reminded of who He is and that He has good things in store. Peace comforts our minds.
Skipping down to the end of the chapter, these verses stood out to me. They spoke of “the valley of weeping” and “autumn rains” neither of which anyone wants to experience. Autumn rains make me think of hurricane season in North Carolina. There can be harsh winds and flooding. Power outages, fallen limbs, and closed businesses were typical results of an ominous storm. In addition, the fall season brought cooler days. Showers are not as welcome as they once were during the humid summer months. Then there is the valley. Every time I read the word valley in the Bible, I imagine a person standing at the bottom of mountain reluctantly looking upward at the perilous journey ahead. Taking the first step is perhaps the most difficult due to the uncertainty of the steps that follow it. This verse in Psalms says both experiences are necessary. They bring refreshing and blessings by the lessons learned through the process. In my season waiting for a new job, I grew in trust. I learned contentment and patience. Even though there is uncertainty, I have the promise of blessings to come for God withholds no good thing.
Are you in a similar situation? Is uncertainty causing anxiety to flood your mind? God invites you to enter His courts of praise and thanksgiving. As you worship, peace and joy will encompass your mind. Know that your time of weeping is not in vain. Though the journey is long, refreshing is promised in the end. Continue to stand strong. Trust that God will come through for you!
Be encouraged! :)
Written by Christa Martina
FB Page: See Martina Write
Scripture References: Psalms 84: 6-7, 11-12 (NLT) “When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings. They will continue to grow stronger, and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem… For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, what joy for those who trust in you.”