Have you ever walked into a room and instantly knew that a certain someone was there? Or have you ever hugged one of the mothers of the church only to carry her scent with you for the rest of the day? This happens to me every time the mechanic at my job comes into the office to fix something. His intoxicating cologne lingers several hours after he’s fixed the door or hung the picture. Now I don’t mind as much because it’s an agreeable smell. Let’s say the reverse happens instead. What if the person who worked a 12 hour shift or the coworker with one too many cats leaves the room? The unpleasantness left behind causes you to search for a deodorizing spray or to avoid the room entirely. So, my question to you today is: do you smell good?
In 2 Corinthians 2, it states that God uses us as a “sweet fragrance”. This aroma is to bring others to the knowledge of Christ. What does it mean to live in such a way that we are a sweet fragrance? The answer is two-fold. It is both an indwelling of the Holy Spirit as well as an outward expression of love to those around us. When we respond with a kind word to the grumpy cashier, we emit a sweet fragrance. When we’re joyful and full of peace despite the chaos in the world, we emit a gracious aroma. When we serve those who can’t give back to us, we cause people to be curious about the God within us. As Corinthians says, the scent is inviting and refreshing. Our lifestyle becomes a witness of the goodness of God bringing people to repentance.
On the other hand, our smell can be antagonistic to some. Have you ever been around someone who seems to not like you? The person is constantly picking fun at how you live or arguing over the most trivial topic. Despite your kindness, every word is met with aggression or sarcasm. I struggled when dealing with such people (we’ll call them a nemesis). Why are they responding to you in such a way? The Holy Spirit within us emits an odor that is offensive to people whose lifestyle is not right with God. Being around you rubs them the wrong way because your life brings conviction. This revelation set me free from striving to be accepted by them. Occasionally, people I just met will censor their speech. How did they know I was a Christian? Not to brag, because it was the fragrance of the Lord all over me.
So, what fragrance are you leaving behind? Are you inviting or convicting others of their need for Christ? On the flip side, you may feel like you don’t smell at all. Let me challenge you to dig deeper into your relationship with Jesus. Spend more time in His Word. Let worship be the background music in your office. Pray without ceasing. As you get closer to God, His cologne will rub off on you. That sweet fragrance will fill every room that you enter thereby drifting towards all those around.
Be encouraged! :)
written by Christa Martina
FB page: See Martina Write
Scripture Reference: 2 Cor 2:14-17 (AMP) “ But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which ascends] to God, [discernible both] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the latter one an aroma from death to death [a fatal, offensive odor], but to the other an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh]. And who is adequate and sufficiently qualified for these things? For we are not like many, [acting like merchants] peddling God’s word [shortchanging and adulterating God’s message]; but from pure [uncompromised] motives, as [commissioned and sent] from God, we speak [His message] in Christ in the sight of God.”