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Fisherman (woman) Skills

I can count on one hand the number of times that I’ve been fishing. Honestly, I’ve hated each time. Placing sticky, smelly pieces of bait on a hook causes my already nauseated stomach to churn somersaults. Then there’s the sitting in the hot sun for hours on end anticipating the fish below. In the end, you leave with a few small fish and hands that reek for hours. Needless to say, I elect to appreciate the fruits of someone else’s labor whenever I fry seafood. I find it interesting that Jesus chose to use the idiom “fishers of men” when speaking of witnessing. There must be a lesson in their strategies. Let’s look at a few of them.

One of the most important attributes of a good fisherman is persistence. Outside of the miraculous, fish don’t just swim into nets or jump into the boats. Countless hours are spent fishing. Sometimes it even takes several days before the fisherman catches a significant amount. The same persistence is needed when telling someone about Jesus. The fear of rejection keeps some believers from sharing. Or we get discouraged by non-responses. I am the product of someone not giving up. My mother’s friend consistently invited her to church. Finally, she agreed and our lives were changed forever.

Another trait of a proficient fisherman is that he’s analytical. He is strategic in the type of bait. He’s familiar with the area. Also, he considers the weather in order to prepare accordingly. Though God’s word doesn’t change, we can package it in such a way that it ministers to its listeners. The Millennial generation and beyond are very visual due to the explosion of technology. Our attention spans are shorter and we’re constantly moving on to the next thing. As a result, a lot of pastors use props or real world examples to draw people in.

The final characteristic of a good fisherman is his love for being outdoors. As per my personal example, fishing can be absolutely miserable if you dislike being in the elements. Most sport fishermen find it peaceful sitting in nature. They don’t mind the bugs or the humidity. The rocking of the boat is calming not nauseating. In order to catch the fish, they are willing to get in the boat. You can’t lead sinners to Jesus if you surround yourself with Christians. Jesus did life with those socially outcast. He invited them in through His love and kindness. The church was never meant to be a clubhouse for the elite. Instead, it should be a hospital for the sick.

So, are you a good fisher of men? Continuously sow seeds into the heart of that coworker. If you sow, God will send someone along to water it. Are you strategic in your approach? Sometimes it helps to know what you’ll say. Write out your two minute testimony. Place salvation scriptures on a note card and memorize them. Be ready to give an answer for the hope within you. Lastly, do you surround yourself with the lost? As it says in the Bible, “How can they hear unless someone tell them?” Like the fisherman, we must be willing to get our hands dirty to catch the fish. Do life with people unlike you. Maybe it looks like sharing a meal. Maybe it’s volunteering your time. As you engage, the door will open for you to share Jesus. Let’s get ready church. For the harvest is plentiful!

Be encouraged! :)

Written by: Christa Martina

FB Page: See Martina Write

Scripture References: Matthew 4:19 (NLT) “Jesus called out to them, ‘Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!’”

1 Peter 3:15 (NLT) “Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.”

Luke 12:12 (NKJV) “For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in that very hour what ye ought to say.”

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