Disclaimer: You may want to peek at my previous blog. Shameless plug 😊. But seriously, this one will make a little more sense.
As I’m going through my day to day activities, the urge to create is becoming more evident. The smallest thing will spark my interest or generate an idea in my head so profound that I can’t escape it. Surprisingly, this extends beyond the realm of writing. I’m finding myself wanting to dabble in photography or sing center stage in front of judges. There are moments when the sky is painted my favorite shade of pink, which is magenta by the way. I think to myself that the world must see this and rush to my phone. Other times, I’m singing along with the radio and hit the perfect note. If only my friends could hear me sing like this. I’d imagine their surprise at my musical abilities. “Wait, you can sing too?” they’d ask.
What if we were not limited to one gifting? What if our interests and talents didn’t fit neatly in one box? I’m more than the physician assistant who can diagnose bothersome symptoms. I’m more than an author who scribbles poems on scraps of paper at the thought of a sappy emotion. But then again, would I be any good at those other things? Is there only one thing I could do well?
I’m sure you have heard the phrase right or left brained. Or maybe you have described yourself as being introverted or extroverted. But what if we were not meant to fit into a specific classification? I believe that we are multi-faceted and ever changing. Just think about it. We were created in the image of God. So, what are his characteristics? He CREATED the earth and every detail in it. Man has simply discovered them. He’s a genius (left brain) in that He knew the exact location to place the earth from the sun so that we would not burn up or freeze. Photosynthesis was His plan on sustaining life. Don’t get me started on the human body which is a marvel in and of itself. On the other hand, He is artistic (right brain) in that He made each snowflake unique. He colored the flowers of the field. And I’m pretty sure that no two sunsets are the same.
So why can’t we have a little of both? The closer we get to knowing God, the more He reveals who He created us to be. We discover various facets of our personality. Though introverted, we can become extroverted when it comes to impacting the kingdom. As He shines through us, the fullness of who we are comes forth with a vibrance of a thousand suns. We begin to amaze others (and ourselves) with what we are capable of. And all this so that we can point back to God as the source of it all.
Scripture References: Psalms 139:14 (NLT) “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.”
Ephesians 4:23-24 (NLT) “Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.”