We live in a culture that has difficulty expressing emotions. There is the constant need to keep up appearances. No one wants to seem like they don’t have it all together. So, we hide behind polished photos that capture manufactured snapshots. If we were truly honest with ourselves, then we could admit that some days are rough. There are times when our expectations don’t match reality and the result is overwhelming disappointment. Sometimes life stressors hit hard from every direction. There’s pressure from work, friends, and family to maintain a certain standard. Even worse, comparison can cause feelings of inadequacy or sadness. Instead of coming to grips with these emotions, our response is hiding them deep within. Today, I want to remind you that it’s okay to not be okay.
There are lots of examples in the Bible of people having bad days. If one thing is for sure, there are no sugar coated stories. For example, the book of Psalms is full of raw, vulnerable moments from David during various seasons of his life. Not once did God scold him for being transparent. Paul is another example. In 2 Corinthians 12:1-9, he talks about a “thorn in his flesh”. We can infer from this passage that the “thorn” is something that causes him great anguish. The Bible says that he “begged, pleaded, invoked” the Lord three times to take it away. God responds, “My strength is all you need”. I’ve heard this passage preached many times, but there are a couple of things that can be applied here.
First, Paul brought his problem to the Lord. He told God all that was on his heart. I can see him vehemently crying out to God. Most assuredly, God heard him every time. No matter what we are going through, we can always take it to God. He’s not embarrassed or annoyed with our emotions. We can sit on his lap like a little child and tell Him all that bothers us. Ever the loving Father, He listens. Second, God reminds Paul that His strength is all he needs. Sometimes, it’s the difficult seasons that remind us of our need for God. When we have reached our wits end, we can rest assured that God will strengthen us. He will come alongside and comfort our hearts. He can get you through your tough days.
So, it’s okay to not be okay. The thing to remember is not to stay there. We have a dear Father who wants to be actively involved in our lives. He’s the shoulder we can cry on. We can be real with Him. But He doesn’t just let us vent, He also comforts and heals.
Be encouraged!😊
Scripture References:
Psalms 61:2 (PT) “For no matter where I am, even when I’m far from home, I will cry out to you for a father’s help. When I’m feeble and overwhelmed by life, guide me into your glory, where I am safe and sheltered.”
Psalms 27:8 (NLT) “My heart has heard you say, ‘Come and talk with me.’ And my heart responds, ‘Lord, I am coming.’ ”