Human nature causes us to group things into categories. This has been the case since the beginning of time as Adam named each animal in the garden. It’s as if our brain searches for patterns and similarities in order to better understand the object. As a female, I do this with my friends. For example, I have the health friend who I discuss patients and medical theories. I have the relationship friend who I discuss potential love interests and dating strategies. Then there’s my travel buddy who is always ready for adventure. While grouping people and things can be helpful, it can also be negative. It limits those individuals to their assigned category. We’ve seen this displayed in racial relations or gender stereotypes. It’s as if our brains can’t process the person who doesn’t fit in our crafted classification of them. How often do we do this with God?
A biblical example of this is found in the story of Lazarus. The story begins by establishing how much Jesus loves them. The reader knows that Jesus has their best interest at heart, but He waits until AFTER Lazarus dies before coming to the city. He explains to the disciples that He waited so God maybe glorified in this incident. Over and over people questioned Jesus. They stated, “if He had only been here Lazarus would have never died”. Martha even acknowledges Jesus as the Messiah. She believes that He is able to heal the sick. She witnessed countless miracles of Jesus healing the blind man, the woman with the issue of blood, and the crippled. Why did she not believe that the Messiah could raise the dead? She knew conceptually that He was a Healer, however; she did not know Him as the Resurrection. This miracle showcased that Jesus had power over death and the grave. Since He had the power, death would not hold Him in the grave. This miracle caused many to believe in Him. So much so that there was talk of killing Lazarus. Now, people no longer saw Jesus as a good Prophet or as their Savior from Roman oppression. Instead, they saw Him as the Son of God who held ALL power in His hands.
So, do you compartmentalize Jesus’ power? Do you truly believe He is all powerful and that He can work in EVERY situation? For example, I knew Him as the Provider, but had to dig deep while believing for a new job. It’s easy to believe that He’ll heal a cold. Yet, the coronavirus causes some to shelter in place. Please know that as I write this, I’m encouraging you while also encouraging myself. So many times, we limit God. We see Him as able to intervene in one aspect of our lives but not in another. As trials come, they are an opportunity to see a different facet of God’s power. Our faith is stretched to new levels. We discover that God is bigger than our boxes. He can work ALL things out for our good.
Be encouraged! 😊
Written by: Christa Martina
FB Page: See Martina Write
Scripture Reference: John 11:21, 25-27 (NLT) “Martha said to Jesus, ‘Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died’... Jesus told her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ she told him. ‘I have always believed you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one who has come into the world from God.’”