I’m writing this blog amid the Christmas season. As a single woman in her thirties, navigating the holidays can be tricky. One can go through a host of different emotions. There’s anticipation of the upcoming year and all to come. There’s gratitude for all God’s blessings. There’s the love of all things peppermint mocha and sugar cookies. On the other hand, there can be discontentment. Social media is full of engagement announcements, baby’s first Christmas pictures, and let’s not even start on the Hallmark channel. One thing to remember is that you are not forgotten, and I’ll prove it here.
Do you know that God has tattoos? I know this maybe a stretch but just stay with me. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Isaiah 49:15-16 (see below). The chapter starts out with Isaiah speaking about how God so intricately formed and knew him in the womb. God instructs Isaiah to speak to His people, Israel. The Lord is calling them back to Him. He declares His promises and provision over them. However, they are currently in captivity. Jaded by their current state, they cry out to God saying that He’s forgotten them. God’s response to this is so caring.
He gives them two very vivid examples of how He sees His children. The first comparison is with a mother and her newborn child. Newborns require special attention in the first few months of life. They must be fed every two hours and wake up constantly throughout the night. No matter how tired, a good mother will respond to the child’s needs. She will not leave him unattended or forgotten. The second example that God gives is that of a tattoo. Some versions use the words “inscribed” or “engraved”, but I like how the Amplified says “tattooed”. In either case, this implies something that is not so easily removed or wiped off. So, let’s think about tattoos. A person who gets one on their arms, hands, or fingers can not move without seeing whatever is written in that area. They can’t eat, wash dishes, or read without the constant reminder of the inscription on their body. In the Bible, the verse goes on to say that their walls (Zion/ Jerusalem) is continually before God (i.e. always on His mind). He literally couldn't forget them, even if He tried for they were written on His wrists. How great is that!
Now, let’s go deeper with this concept. In the time of Isaiah, Christ had not come yet. So God gave them two easily relatable examples of His love for them. Today, we have an even better example. Christ’s body is forever scarred from what He did on the cross for us. Y’all, there are nail print scars in His hands! He is reminded of us DAILY! Not only are we on His mind, but He is also making intercession for us. So, if it feels as though you are forgotten, just remember that you are tattooed on His wrists. Don’t fall prey to the lies that God is doing things for everyone except you. He loves you. He sees you. He is for you. You are not forgotten.
Be encouraged! 😊
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 49:14-16 (AMP-C) “But Zion [Jerusalem, her people as seen in captivity] said, The Lord has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me. [And the Lord answered] Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yes, they may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (tattooed a picture of) you on the palm of each of My hands; [O Zion] your walls are continually before Me.”
~Christa Martina
Facebook:See Martina Write
Love the reminder that our Father hasn't forgotten us. Also love the tattoo connection! ~Kathy