Is your faith strong? Seems like a silly question to ask someone. The knee jerk response would be, “Of course it is!” Yet, strength of faith is best seen through times of adversity. It’s seen through seasons of waiting for the manifestation of answered prayer. Strong faith perseveres.
One story of this is found in Matthew 15:21-28. It tells of a Gentile woman with a daughter possessed with a demon. There were several obstacles in this woman’s way in pursuit of healing for her daughter. First, she was a Gentile. The word gentile references a nation other than that of the Jews. It describes any group of people who do not receive Yahweh as the one true God. This particular woman was possibly from Tyre and Sidon, two major cities of Phoenicia. Several commentaries believe that Jesus and his disciples were seeking solitude in this area. Perhaps they were hiding from King Herod, who just beheaded John the Baptist. Or maybe, Jesus needed rest from the crowds after having fed the five thousand. Whatever the reason, they found themselves in Gentile territory being approached by this woman. This leads to the second obstacle for the her.
She was essentially blowing their cover. Her cries after Jesus were bringing unwanted attention to them. The Bible says that she was “begging and making all kinds of noise”. Aside from the commotion of her pleas, the very fact that a Gentile was conversing with Jews stood out. The disciples wanted to turn her away. Even Jesus rebuked the woman referring to her as a dog! No one seemed to care that her daughter suffered under demonic possession.
Lastly, Jesus was sent to the Jews first. They were God’s chosen people; set apart for His good purposes. In this season, it was not time for Jesus to be revealed to the Gentiles. Alluding to this fact He states, “it is not right to give the children’s bread to the dogs.” Yet, the Bible also mentions that Jesus would “a light for the Gentiles” (Isaiah 42:6), so that “all the peoples, nations, and every language might serve Him” (Daniel 7:14). I can’t say definitively if the woman knew this or not. However, her faith caused her to press in and ask for even the crumbs from the Master’s table. Her persistence caused Jesus to heal her daughter and even commend her great faith.
How often do we stop believing when we are faced with an obstacle? Do we keep asking when it seems as though our prayers are hitting the ceiling? I’ve heard it said that “Faith is for the time lapse”. We need faith to keep believing while we wait for the manifestation of our prayers. Luke 11:9-10 is actually using the superlative of the words ask, seek, and knock. This implies that one is continuously asking, seeking, and knocking. Strong faith presses on! So, what are you believing God for? Don’t let obstacles or delay hinder your faith. Keep on believing!
Be encouraged! 😊
Written by: Christa Martina
FB Page: healthyfitpa
IG Page: healthyfitpa
Scripture References: Luke 11:9-10 (NLT) “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."
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