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Put Me In Coach!!!

As a child, I was involved in literally every sport possible. Fortunately, my parents were very supportive thereby allowing me to try them all. My favorite sport was possibly softball. It’s the one sport that I was the best at. Each summer, I played for a co-ed recreational team. As my talent grew, the coach placed me on second base at the center of all the action. It felt amazing being the only girl playing in the infield. I was small, but fierce. Not a single ball slipped past me. With my proven skills, I tried out for my high school softball team.

Playing in high school fared differently from my church’s rec league. First, this team utilized fast pitch, a drastic change from underhand toss. My place hitting technique proved ineffective as balls whizzed across the plate. In addition to this, my fielding was not like the other girls. Accustomed to infield, I could throw fast but only short distances. Tryouts didn’t end as I hoped. To my dismay, I became a second string player. The entire season passed with me not playing a single game. There were multiple instances when the coach almost put me in. Then out of nowhere, we’d lose our lead or the score would be close till the end. The team finished the season undefeated. Our record qualified us for the championship game. Ecstatic, we traveled to the designated tournament location minus our right outfielder. The coach informed me and another benchwarmer that the two of us would finally get our chance to play! Imagine the flood of emotions flowing through my body. Not only was the coach confident in my abilities, but he was willing to put me in the big game. All of the practices and workouts led to this moment.

I believe a similar moment is upon us. This pandemic allowed time for reflection and growth. The things of this world seem less important as we realize the brevity of life. It’s given us the opportunity to return to our First Love. Desperation caused us to fast and pray more. The church went from being contained in four walls into individual homes. The Gospel is more accessible than ever. The timing couldn’t be more perfect as people are hungry for hope. The church is in preparation, gearing up for the big game.

So, my question is simple. Are you ready to get in the game? God is positioning His children to be revealed to the world. He’s strategically placing us in various work environments. His favor is shining upon us in such a way that we stand out amongst a hopeless generation. The harvest is ripe. People’s hearts are tender towards God, and we have the answer that they’re looking for. Ask God for wisdom on how to reach those in your sphere of influence. Don’t be afraid to get off the bench. This is the moment that you’ve been training for. Boldly let your light shine bright!

Be encouraged! 😊

Written by Christa Martina

FB Page: See Martina Write

Scripture References: Matthew 9:35-38 (ESV) “And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

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