A good chef knows the best foods are made with time and seasonings. Chicken or fish marinated in sauces have a richer flavor. The best wines are aged with time. Modernization and the need for mass production diminished slow cooking in exchange for microwave meals. One example is found in the process of making soy sauce. Authentic soy sauce is brewed over the course of several months to even years. The flavor and aroma are balanced as opposed to the sometimes harsh taste of the store bought soy sauce. Let's look at that process in more depth here.
Traditional soy sauce is typically made in three steps: koji formation, brine fermentation, and refinement. During the first step, soybeans and wheat are mixed with water. The mixture is then heated to high temperatures. Once it cools, mold is added which causes the mixture to form a paste called koji. In the next step, the koji is allowed to ferment over several months with the addition of more water, salt, and lactic acid bacteria. As it ferments, a semi-liquid forms. The final step is the refinement process. During this time, the semi-liquid is squeezed through several straining cloths. The final product is pasteurized and bottled for sale. In comparison, the non-traditional method takes place over the course of a couple of days using chemical hydrolysis. The end-product has a brash taste and an inconsistent color.
Mountain moving faith is developed in a similar seasoning process. The soybeans and wheat forming the base of soy sauce represents the Word of God. As we feed on the word, it's deposited into our spirit. His promises become our firm foundation. The heat represents trials and hardships of life. As we stand on the word during times of pressure, our focus shifts from the circumstances around us to God. Our faith grows stronger as we see Him come through each time. Though there is turbulence and difficulties, the end product is an unshakable core. The final step is our refinement. The straining cloth filters out all fear and anxiety. All that is left is a pure, unwavering faith.
Now, this post was inspired by all of the seasoned Christians that I've witnessed throughout my life. During the pandemic and economic crisis, their faith was never shaken. Personally, I felt as though I was learning to trust God with each new twist from the last year. Watching them, it seemed as though they were mighty oak trees planted along the streams. The wind blew fiercely, yet only moved the leaves. I wondered how they could stand so firm in adversity. The answer is quite simple. That sort of faith comes with time. When you've seen God work in different situations, your heart can rest because He's proven Himself faithful. So, if you're going through a trial, take heart. It will produce perseverance that you may need down the road.
Be encouraged! :)
written by Christa Martina
FB Page: See Martina Write
Scripture References: James 1:2-4 (NLT) “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”