The other day I came to a chilling realization. Jesus is coming back sooner than we think. There has been a lot going on in our world that point to this fact. In just seven months, we’ve seen disease, plagues of locust, various storms, economic crash, and racial injustice. It seems as though we’re living in a weird sci-fi movie. None of these things should catch us by surprise, for the Bible talks about the last days in great detail.
Even with all the evidence, I think it truly hit me this past Sunday. Like many Christians, I’ve been livestreaming church. To be honest, I like being able to watch different pastors as I get to hear varying messages and perspectives. This particular Sunday, I watched my home church for the early morning service. My pastor spoke about living a life of godliness. He stated that God audibly spoke telling him to prepare His church for Jesus’ return. Pastor Al Brice challenged us to be separate from the world and let our lights shine bright. God is calling His bride to repentance so that we can minister to a dying world. He also spoke of another Great Awakening in which the world will see its need for Christ one last time.
After watching this sermon, I flipped over to watch Elevation church. At first, I was a little disappointed in seeing someone other than Pastor Steven. The speaker was virtually unknown to me; however, her message was powerful. She spoke of God’s redemption. From the very beginning, God has been calling us back to Him. Mercifully, He continues to give us chance after chance. He doesn’t want any to perish but He wants all to come to repentance.
The final church sermon that I watched was the last day of a weekend conference. The pastor stated that he felt God leading him towards a different message. His words echoed those of my pastor. He was calling prodigals back home. On the stage, there was a small, glass bowl which housed a goldfish. Within that bowl, the fish had all his necessities. Pastor Jentezen Franklin provided him with a house, food, and the most necessary element of all, water. Since the bowl is glass, the fish could see everything happening outside. He may think the walls of the bowl are holding him back from “the good life”. In reality, the fish needs the water and the bowl to sustain his very life. As Christians, we are the fish and the Holy Spirit is the water. When we leave the fellowship of the believers (the bowl) or disconnect from the presence of God (the water), we began to spiritually die. The devil would like nothing more than to trick us. He wants us to believe that a godly lifestyle is restricting. He wants to pull us away from our relationship with God and other believers. More than ever, we must pour into the Word of God for in it we have our very life.
These three messages instilled a sense of urgency in me. First, I examined my own life. I asked God’s forgiveness of seeking my own plans. Instead of being silent, my voice will tell everyone that He’s coming soon. Next, I shifted my focus outward. I prayed for friends and loved ones to come back home. May conviction grip them in such a way that they are compelled to follow Jesus. Hopefully, this post gives you a sense of urgency as well. Please do not be deceived. Continue to feed on the Truth of God’s Word. Then tell everyone you know that Jesus is coming back…and to get ready!
Be encouraged! 😊
Scripture References: 2 Peter 3:9 (GNT) “The Lord is not slow to do what he has promised, as some think. Instead, he is patient with you, because he does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants all to turn away from their sins.”
2 Timothy 3 –Dangers of the Last Days, Paul’s Charge to Timothy