As I type this article, my mind casually drifts to all my single female friends. They’re truly vibrant, amazing women of various ages and walks of life. I honestly can’t think of one reason why any of them may still be single. Sally Mae is not too opinionated. Becky is not too homely. Josie is not too reclusive. These names are made up by the way. The point: they are all great ladies and would make someone a very lucky man. So, the question remains. Why are there so many single ladies?
And this is not to shame the single men who maybe reading this article. As a single lady, I’m writing this from my perspective. It an interesting paradox. Statistically, the single community has grown over the last few years. This recent change is not limited to the secular world. The church has a reported 50-60% of its members who identify as single. This number of course includes widowed and divorced members as well as those who have never married. But why?
Are we all content to be like Paul? So intent on serving others that we are oblivious to each other. Or has sin crept inside the church doors? Sexual promiscuity keeping love at bay as lust fills our hearts and minds. Has society influenced our thoughts? Why get married now? We should experience all there is in life before settling down with someone. Is it lack of true community? In a generation engulfed in their social media followers, we struggle to communicate face to face. We hide behind scenes and are satisfied with superficial connection. Any of these reasons could be the culprit. But what if its more?
As I reflect on my daily routine, I may interact with one male. Usually, its as I’m changing machines at the gym or in the checkout line at the grocery store. For the past four years, I’ve worked with ONLY females. The occasional male janitor or patient may slip through the doors for a brief moment. Afterwards, the office returns to its estrogen quota. One night, I was watching a movie about a single male protagonist in search of his true love. Ironically, he complained about working in a male dominated field. “That’s it,” I exclaimed. “I’m working in the wrong field.” Apparently, there’s an island of men searching for women separated by an impassable sea. A few knots off, an island of women exists looking across that sea wondering how to crossover.
Maybe it is here that we’ve found the answer. We must try to merge the two sexes together. Creating opportunities to interact could serve as the bridge between the two islands. Its okay to interact with one another. Its okay to give a single girlfriend your cousin’s number. Its okay to visit other churches. Waiting does not mean that we do nothing. We can venture out of our comfort zones. We can sail across the sea. In doing so, we’ll meet in the middle. These are just my thoughts. I’m open to hearing yours. Shoot me an email! Or leave a comment!