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Tree Withering or Mountain Moving??

Recently, I’ve been stretching my muscles in hopes of cultivating a green thumb. I discovered that aloe vera and succulents survive under my care. Next, I expanded my gardening to flowers and other indoor plants. My mother gifted me an herb garden. It was full of cilantro, mint, and my favorite basil. The cilantro sprung up quickly with the promise of yummy stems for salads and avocado mash. Then out of the blue they withered away. The mint ever slowly peeked above the dirt, and the basil seemed to be at a stand still of a few millimeters tall. Needless to say, I understand Jesus’ frustration with the fig tree.

Jesus and his disciples were walking towards Jerusalem when He saw a fig tree in full leaf. Interesting fact: fig trees typically produce fruit before the leaves fully open. Since Jesus was hungry, He assumed that a fig tree full of leaves would have plenty of figs to snack on. In walking up to the tree, He discovered that it bore no fruit. Jesus spoke to the tree and commanded it to never bare fruit again. The Bible says that it immediately withered away. At first glance, this seems like a rash response; however, there are two things to consider about this incident.

First, the fig tree symbolized the nation of Israel. This is what is known as a parabolic act. The fig tree represented their religious system. This system had the false promise of righteousness and satisfaction. Instead, it offered legalism and bondage. It lacked a true of a relationship with God. Jesus came to break that system and open the doorway to true right standing with God. The curse on the fig tree represented God’s rebuke of their religious spirit as well as their rejection of Christ.

Second, Jesus used this moment to teach the disciples about faith. They were amazed at how quickly the fig tree died. Jesus responds that if you have faith and don’t doubt, even a mountain can be thrown into the sea. He told the disciples “You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it”. We have authority in the name of Jesus. When we are in accordance with God’s will and standing on His word, we can do things such as these.

So, my question is do you have fig tree withering or mountain moving faith? I think the point of the lesson is do not doubt. As we go through life, we have opportunities to stretch our faith muscles. Maybe you get sick with a cold. Or maybe you have an unexpected bill notice. These small, fig tree moments provide the opportunity to stand in faith on God’s word and watch Him come through. This builds up your faith for the mountain moving moments such as a loss of job or severe medical diagnosis. You no longer doubt because you remember God’s track record. If the fig tree can wither, then the mountain will move. Anything will be possible to them who believes!

Be encouraged! 😊

Written by: Christa Martina

Social Media: @healtyfitpa

Scripture Reference: Matthew 21:18-22 (NLT)

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