After a long slow day at work, I returned home to my usual routine of walking my dog and getting ready to head to the gym. “I’m so bored,” I thought to myself. “I do the same thing most evenings. I wish there was something else,” I continued with an air of discontentment. Upon finding no other options, I proceeded towards the door. “Maybe I need a hobby or a new television show to engage in?” These thoughts on the verge of my lips also like a prayer to God. Then again, who would dare utter such words aloud.
So recently, I started the process of publishing my first book. In addition to editing and producing the book, marketing strategies must be created before the its release. My publisher recommended that I start a blog. This would generate readers to my author page and new book. My immediate thought upon hearing this was panic. “I don’t have time to do this,” I said to myself. “I already have so much on my plate.” Then a small whisper came to mind. “Didn’t you tell me the other day that you were bored and wanted to do more?” Slightly embarrassed I smiled. I guess God heard me after all.
So, what is boredom? Is it truly having nothing to occupy our time? Or instead, are we filling our time with meaningless tasks? I can’t tell you how many minutes crept by as I checked social media for only a second. There have been other times when I’ve practiced poor time management, using hours to accomplish what could have been done in minutes. Oh, how time seems to slip away. It reminds me of a cartoon from my childhood. In one episode, the protagonist harvests countless hours from his past using a special gadget. It was usually time that he spent waiting in line, playing video games, or some other meaningless task. Once collected, he uses them in the present to defeat the bad guy. If only that were possible!
What if boredom was a product of comparison? Are we so busy looking at what others are doing that we see our task as insignificant? Susie is starting a business. Bobby is traveling to faraway lands. I’m stuck in an office all day and at home all night. Should I be doing more? God has given me the gift of words. The great thing about being an author is that it can be done anywhere. Down time at work, quiet nights at home, or bus commutes can all be redeemed by using my gift. I’m finding that inspiration lying in unexpected places. By sharpening my tool, I increase my creative ability while discovering more about myself. In the grand scheme of things, typing blogs may not change the world. But just maybe it can impact the life of one person who happens upon my site.
God has given us plenty to do. We each are equipped with what we need to live a successful life. He saw EVERY minute of our lives. Even times that seem insignificant can be moments of preparation. Our job is to steward the time well. Unfortunately, we can’t collect time wasted in the past, but moving forward we can make the most of the present. Stay on your task and do it with all your might.
Scripture Reference: Galatians 6:4-5 (NLT) “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. 5 For we are each responsible for our own conduct.”
~Christa Martina
Facebook: See Martina Write